Saturday, April 21, 2012


listen your word is everything, your word is who you are & how you represent yourself to people so if you say it then you better live by it. if you say that you are gonna do some1 a favor then do it, if you say that you love that person then love that person right, if you say that you got that person’s back & that you are a team then you really better have that person’s back & do all the things that a teammate is to post to do for his or her team, if you say you gonna change & change for the better than make that change & make a difference in your life & the life’s of others, if you say that you are truly sorry then don’t do the same mistakes over & over again. Do what you say you are gonna do because your word is everything, your word is who you are & how you represent yourself to people, your word is your bond, between God, yourself & other so don’t break them. So many of us waste our time wondering smh…… for what???? like really for what??? & this is one of the things that really get me upset about people, they wonder why me???? what did i do to deserve this??? why do he or she loves me & care for me so much???? why do things never workout for me??? why can’t i get the help that i need??? why can’t i get a job???? why can’t i do good in school??? why can’t i find a good woman???? or why can’t i find a good man???? & why can’t i keep a good woman???? or why can’t i keep a good man???? why do i loose my blessings???? why this???? & why that???? why me??? why me???? & etc, etc. you said that you was gonna help this person by doing hin or her a favor & days, weeks, months & years gone by & you never ever did the that person the favor that you said that you was gonna do for him or her & now you wonder why you don’t have any friends & wonder why people don’t trust you do to anything with them or for them, you said that you love your significant other & you said that you have your significant others back & that you are a team but you are always doing things behind his or her’s back, you do things without talking it out with your significant other first, you are sleeping with other women or men who are not your significant other, you lie to him or her & you do everything to him or her that doesn’t show the love you have for your significant other & then you wonder why they wanna leave you, why they don’t trust you, why they so quick to throw in the towel because everything time you say u gonna change you don’t, you don’t live by your word. a friend lend you some money & you say that you are gonna pay them back as soon as you get the money & days, weeks, months & years has past by & you still haven’t paid that person back, you got the money but you hiding from that person smh…… but you wonder why nobody wants to help you or work with you. PEOPLE STOP WONDERING & START ACTING ON WHAT YOU SAY YOU ABOUT!!!!!!!! don’t tell me you are real when you doing what fake people do like for real yo!!!! do what yo say you are gonna do, be who you say & know you are not what you think & see on t.v. or in magazines, just be you, live up to your words because your word is everything, its who you are & how you represent yourself to people, your word is your bond between God, yourself & others so don’t break them & live by them.

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My book “THE BOOK OF TRUTHS WITHIN POEMS” is coming soon Im still on the writing process

& be on the look out for my mixtape “KNOWLEDGE OF A POET” soon
& the Just Real website is on the works as well as the RRRMG (REAL RECOGNIZE REAL MUSIC GROUP) website

#teamRRRMG LEGGO!!!!

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